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We partnered with to offer an Activity-Pub federated blogging instance for kernel developers.

Requesting your blog

This service is offered to anyone with a account, or anyone with an entry in the MAINTAINERS file. If you do not fall under one of these two categories, you can get someone else to "sponsor" your request.

For further details, please see


The configuration interface is pretty minimal and self-explanatory. Here are a few pointers to get you started:

  1. All blogs start out as "unlisted" meaning that they won't show up on until you make them public – but they are still accessible as To add them to the global feed, go to, click "Customize" and change "Publicity" to "public".
  2. Your posts are published into "Draft" by default, which lets you preview them and share with others under a non-guessable link. To make them public in your blog, click on "Drafts" in the title bar (or "View drafts" in the menu), and then on "move into yourblogname."
  3. If you want to follow in your RSS reader, the feed it at (the last / is important). For just your own blog's RSS feed, s/read/yourblogname/.

C code snippets

If you're posting a C snippet, use "cpp" as the language identifier (I know, I know) until WriteFreely adds the proper alias for just plain ol' c. E.g.:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
   printf("Hello, World!");
userdoc/people.1561645946.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019-06-27 14:32 by mricon